Fat Twist Updo Style

Hello Everyone!

Remember when I was saying that I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to 'do' my hair?  Sidenote: I've just been wearing a bun - I JUST reached a bunable length, but the style is iffy to me...it's not really cute YET, plus I have a big head and it shows when I bun, lol.  Anyway, I used some inspiration from youTuber chisellecouture to try a version of a style she did.  It's a Fat Twist Updo style.  Here are my pics...

Forgive me looking evil as everything in the last pic, lol!  I should have taken a 'top of the head' pic to get the best view of the style - sorry.  I had 12 twists all together - this style took me less than 30 minutes.  It's a good mid-week change up style.  This is one of those styles that ALMOST makes it for me.  The reason why I say "almost" is because the back is just...blah...it's OK.  I'm sure the back will work for me when my hair is longer because I'll be able to wrap the twists like I want to.  I like the front, I had to tuck the twists into each other to get the look I wanted.  If your hair is longer you don't have to worry about this.  Alas, I thought I'd still post pics since it may work well for some and it's protective!

Check out a vid with a tutorial from Cali below.

Click here to go to chisellecouture's youTube page.
Click here to access the original video post.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen the video for this style, and like it alot. My hair is not FULL enough to get good fat twists, I have some thin ends I need to grow out, but have been protective styling challenging myself,and I think it has been working, haven't been pressed since March...Woo-Hoo :o)
