No EVOO or Baby Food for Me

My birthday was Monday, thus this entire week I've been hanging out with friends & celebrating and not worrying about my hair! I did a twist out last week and it actually lasted! I was super-surprised b/c they typically only last 1 day for me. I think it lasted b/c I didn't try to separate the twist-chunks. I had the twists in from Saturday - Tuesday and rocked the twist-out Tuesday (night) - Saturday.

I did some different things with my regimen last week- I used baby food bananas instead of an actual banana and olive oil. My scalp reacted horribly to one of the two, and I spent last week and this one recovering from some kind of skin reaction to one of those two. I'm not sure which one was the culprit, but I'm going to do my scalp a favor and stay far away from both of them.

Yesterday I bought some Aubrey's Organic shampoo for Dry/brittle hair with the hopes to help my scalp feel better. I DC'd with some Earthly Delight conditioner and did a regular co-wash with my other Aubrey's conditioner product. Everything seemed to work well as my scalp feels 10 times better. I did box braids yesterday but I don't love it. Last week I had this full, thick twist-out look and now I have the "short-hair kiddy braids" look. I'm going to try to curl the braids with some hot curlers with the hopes that I will like it more.


  1. Do you still use Earthly Delight Conditioner? Is it good for detanlgling?

  2. Yes Efe, I still use it, I have yet to find a conditioner that provides slip like Earthly Delight! It's worth the hefty price tag for me!
